Note to Self: Give Yourself Time

This Note To Self is a reminder that everything takes time; the earth took billions of what we know as years to be in its current form; for a plant to grow it takes time; for a baby to form in a womb it takes time; it takes time for muscles to grow.. And so on.

I consider time, as we know it, illusory, as I know that everything is happening in a certain moment in the Now. Conceptually a bit difficult to grasp, I see time, not in terms of seconds that turn into minutes and hours, but as a constant process. Time to me is a process, and just like every other process, 1) it is continuous, happening (until its end) and 2) it yields results (eventually).

Words can be ambiguous. For the sake of clarity, when I write about time, I refer to the process behind and between point A and point B, and so forth.

We are living in societies that constantly pressure us to do and achieve, to compare and compete, and to move fast or lose… And for some, this might be even fun! However, I am encouraging you to give yourself time. Give yourself permission to move at your pace from point A to point B, and so forth.

It is true, if you do not squeeze all you can squeeze out of your days and ultimately out of your life, you might regret the things you did not do or achieve. But, before continuing on this race to some destination with a constant urge to do and achieve, to be seen and acknowledged, ask yourself why.

Why am I putting so much pressure on myself? Why am I not content with the way things are? Why am I chasing more and more, just to constantly reach there and realize that “more” is never enough and is always seeking for more? Why my hurry to meet someone to make me feel some type of way?

Give yourself time. Give yourself time to grow, for growth is a process on its own, dependent on several factors, including (the process of) time. In fact, all types of growth require some amount of time. Remember to also give yourself time to rest, for resting brings clarity. Give yourself time to learn, for learning allows expansion. Give yourself time to become disciplined, for repetition creates habits. Give yourself time to sculpt your mind and body as you intend, for sculpting is an artistic process – and all artists know that art takes time.

Give yourself time to give time to yourself.

Give yourself time. Time will show you how every seed you plant, will blossom at its own pace. Give yourself time. Time will heal your heartbreaks, and without knowing exactly when, you will be made new again. Give yourself time. Time works with nature, not against it.

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